
Saturday, December 10, 2011

A new post and a long overdue update...

A meadow and a 'stately manor' in Roskilde- this picture was taken in July.

Not a new post in two months.


Well, actually I have a perfectly reasonable explanation. It goes like this.

One day, about a month and three weeks ago, I spent an entire afternoon writing my best blog post yet. Being new to the blogosphere, I usually spend half of my time ‘winging it’ and the other half figuring out all of the modes and applications that are so foreign to me.
Dangling my feet in Copenhagen (there on a
short day visit), soaking in the
waning October sun.

I poured myself into this post! I even found accompanying pictures on the internet for added visual appeal, and the finished product was so beautiful, it would have made you cry with its sheer brilliance. But just as I sat back to admire my creation, my computer froze and I subsequently lost the entire thing. So feeling disheartened and disillusioned with technology, I swore I was through, through (!) wasting my precious time on this thankless venture.

Well, whatever, I am over it- and consequently back and raring to go. Nothing can stop me now. But nevertheless, I am coming to you humbly with my hat in hand, begging forgiveness for my unexplained disappearance (or excessive laziness) - I promise to make it up to you.

Copenhagen later that same, October day
 In the meantime I have much to fill you in on.

In the past two months I have been to Copenhagen twice, Aabenra once, Fredericia once, Aarhus almost every day for shopping and sometimes for Danish classes…well, that is not totally accurate, I do not attend nearly as often as I should be. So long as I am being open and honest with you, I have gone to both my (3 hour long) classes in the same week once… and I didn’t go at all last week, or the week before. Obviously I am a star pupil.

I have made friends with a whole group of Spanish university students, and met other students from the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Finland, France, Italy, the UK, the USA, and lastly, ‘our home and native land.’ Yep, two other Canadian girls live in Aarhus, one from Kelowna and the other from Vancouver Island.

In other news, I have celebrated Thanksgiving and my birthday here.

I refused to let Thanksgiving pass me by as just another day, so I hopped on the bus and visited three different grocery stores before finding a large, misshapen, slightly battered pumpkin, which I paid 10 kroners for (approx. 2 dollars). As you can well imagine, I got more than one curious glance on the bus as I sat with my prized possession squarely on my lap for the ride home.

I then carved, gutted and roasted my lovely pumpkin, burnt the seeds (unintentionally) and made a big batch of pumpkin soup for the family to enjoy. Amen.

My 'Birthday Table' (taken Nov. 9)
As for my Birthday, well I am not going to lie; I was not looking forward to this particular occasion. Mostly because now I am tipping the scale closer to being 40 than to being born…and seriously, I have found two fine creases under my eyes, and four new white hairs. However, I loovvvee the presents and attention that November 9 usually affords me, and this year was no different than any other thanks to my wonderful families on both sides of the Atlantic (or Pacific…take your pick). I had a lovely day where I was unnecessarily spoilt and then spoiled some more, which made me a very happy 21 year-old. I even forgot about the white hairs and the creases for a short while.

As this post is starting to get long winded (actually the real reason is because my leg has fallen asleep and I should get the circulation going again, don’t you just hate ‘pins and needles’? I know I do) I am going to write to you about Copenhagen and ‘Christmas in Denmark’ in my next post.

So keep your breath baited and your spirits high because… my next post is imminent.**

A view from my bedroom window

**For real- for real. This is not a joke. I actually mean it this time.

1 comment:

  1. Shan ...

    Hahaha ... you are very funny .... love your little running commentaries and sense of humour. And that pic from your bedroom window showing the rainbow .... wow ... that could win a prize !

    Dad xxx/ooo
